Student Presentations


History of 9/11 and the lasting impact on society today.


Anger Management

Information on anger and how to cope properly.

Academic Excellence

How to achieve academic excellence in class & online and real life application.


Armenian Genocide Curriculum

Legacy & stories of the Armenian Genocide.

Accepting Differences

Teaching the importance of tolerance towards other racial and religious groups.


Black History Month

History of the celebration of Black History Month and the important figures behind it.

Age of Majority

Information on being successful after high school.


Black Lives Matter

Understanding history of oppression, current events, and how to help.

Body Image

Presentation on how body image issues are created, the role media plays, and how to combat body image issues.


COVID 19 + Greif & Loss

How the pandemic has impacted our feelings, recognizing grief/loss, and how to move forwards.

Childhood Obesity

The causes, risks, implications, management/treatment, and coping/support for childhood obesity.


Earth Day

This project aims to help you get familiar with local plants & wildlife. You will develop skills to help you identify plants in times you might be curious or in need.

Climate Change

Factors of climate change, who is affected, and if humans contribute to Earth’s climate change.


Foster Care

About why & how kids are fostered, statistics, and process of becoming a foster parent.

Coping Skills

How to develop healthy coping skills and recognizing unhealthy/negative ones.



Defining & recognizing gratitude in our lives and the benefits of it.

Human Rights

What human rights are, who has them, and the importance of them.



Who, why, and where should we wear masks and the different types of masks.

Importance of Community Service

Importance of community service and the traits & benefits of being a leader.


Mental Illness

How to identify and help those with mental illness. Setting boundaries and additional resources.

Introduction to ABA

What ABA is, defining behavior in humans, and using ABA to be inclusive of others.


Mental Wellness

What are wellness, strengths, and coping skills & why they’re important.


Understanding what LGBTQ+ stands for, how to advocate, learning relevant terms, and the importance of acceptance.


Military Appreciation Month

Education on the different branches of the U.S. military and what each does.

Pathways After High School

Discussing the many options after graduating high school.



Where our trash goes, what is done with it, and how to help.

Peer Pressure

What positive & negative peer pressure is and how to deal with negative peer pressure.


Remedies for Anxiety

Types of anxiety and how to remedy them.

Preserving Eyesight

Types of eye problems, how they are corrected, and how to preserve your eyesight.



What is & different types of science, careers in the sciences, and resources.


What reconstruction was, the goals of it, and how it was resisted & ended.


Social Distancing

How to social distance & the importance of it.

Social Etiquette

What is social etiquette, when & where to use it, why communication skills are important, and how to disagree politely.



What is & what veterinarians do, how to become one, top schools, wage, and fun facts.

This Year Sucked

What the pandemic is & how it has looked like. Reflecting on changes outside & in ourselves, and practicing self care.



The importance of voting, demonstrating the process, and how to vote once you are eighteen.

Time Management

Myths & truths of time management, steps to take, and how to deal with procrastination.


Wise Mind

Difference between your wise, emotional, and reasonable minds and the best usage of each one.

Understanding Disabilities

Understanding common mental & physical disabilities, what they entail, and developing empathy.


Working Through a Pandemic

Tips on working from home & mental health, securing jobs & internships, and writing professional emails.

World Hunger

The myths & facts of world hunger, those who are most venerable, consequences, and how to help.

Cancer Awareness Month

What is and types of cancer. What cancer each month represents/ celebrates. Information on help & support groups.

Elections and Presidents

Information on the current president and vice president, importance & facts of voting, and proposition 17.

Abusive Parents

What are abusive parents, different kinds of abuse, impact of Covid-19, and hand signals.

Social Media

Pros/cons of social media, managing toxic usage, responsible posting, and cyberbullying.

Wrongfully Convicted

Why wrongful convictions happen, statistics, and effects on the community.


What cybercrimes are and the different kinds of them, awareness importance, and how to prevent becoming a victim of these crimes.

Becoming a Firefighter

History if firefighting, importance of it, and how to become a firefighter.


What ESL is, what the ESL program is, placement process, and curriculum.

Vision Board

What a vision board is, short vs. long term goals, and importance of self-awareness.

Exploring the Difference Between the 3 A's

What is and what it means to be an ally, advocate, and activist.